ENVISION – Culture and Creativity Sectors’ Entrepreneurship Empowerment in the Digital Era – 2021-2022

Envision was an innovative 24-month project, aiming to actively support stakeholders and professionals in the sector of culture and creativity, through the development of entrepreneurial skills and digital competencies, to ensure both resilience and recovery during the current or any potential future crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


The project provided for:

  • Mapping the needs and requirements of the cultural and creative sector in partner countries.
  • Development of the digital platform for stakeholders in the cultural and creative sector.
  • Development of consultancy and mentoring services content for cultural entrepreneurs.
  • Implementation of a cultural event.
  • Design and development of a Crowdfunding mechanism for entrepreneurs with cultural activities.


Funding programme: € 24.329 Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

Website: https://projectenvision.eu/


IO1 – Mapping the needs and requirements of the CCS in the partner countries

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